The Christmas Footprint

by Mr. Darcy   Dec 17, 2015

On a crisp sunny morn',
I lay my new born
Upon a fresh
blanket of snow.
Before I did leave,
I fell to my knees
and at once felt
bewitched, forborne.

It hadn't been long,
something felt wrong,
so in a panic I ran,
back to the place
to see his face,
was different,
in fact it had gone...

Blood lay around,
it covered the ground;
a scene horrifically dire.
His eyes had been pecked,
a new life wrecked;
Ravens had cursed
him with fire.

I looked to the sky,
and screamed out, 'WHY?'
...Damn you, why this now?
The sky turned black,
Evil looked back
and spoke a
deathly growl...

Call this a gift:
A sacrificial pig;
I've a mind to
murder you too;
Christmas brings tears
Each and every year,
Just remember...
the gifts that
you choose.


Author's note: We know about the carbon footprint. This was inspired by all the people who are at the sharp end of Christmas. The sacrifice, the millions of families that go into debt trying to live up to the media hype. How about all the cheap labour making this mountain of waste. The affects of pollution from the escalated manufacturing. Then all those in countries around the world who don't even have clean water to drink let alone a poxy Christmas cracker! In the famous words,
'Do they know it's Christmas at all?'
Christmas is so commercialised that only the very rich profit. I thought Christmas was about giving, maybe I was wrong? Feeling Christmassy? Me neither!


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  • 9 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Christmas is and always has been very special to me. It is celebrating the birth of Jesus. The pain he had to endure and he sacrificed his life in exchange for our sins to be forgiven. Even if I wanted to I can't afford buying since I have so little to spend. What I can give are the things money can't buy. Love is the greatest gift of all. In today's world people go in depth and shower each other with gifts. That to me is not Christmas. You have delivered a powerful message with this excellent write. Take csre

  • 9 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    The foot note cleared it up for me , and it reminds me of the anger Jesus experienced at the sight of the temple being used more for commerce than praise and worship

  • 9 years ago


    Nicely written Michael, you've nailed exactly what Christmas has become now. A huge commercial money grabbing opportunity for many on the planet, the true meaning of Christmas lost amongst the discarded Christmas wrapping paper.
    A nice write Michael!

  • 9 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Hi Michael,

    To me, Christmas is never about the gifts, but about honouring the birth of baby Jesus and being grateful for what you have. I don't have much, so could not spend much, even if I wanted to! :)

    This will make 'em think, well done!!!

    (((hugs))) xx

  • 9 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    Thank you for this powerful and vivid write Mike.