My Own Mind

by Allie   Jan 6, 2016

I'm trapped in my own mind, a world of darkness, a place so cold and lonely. I'm searching for answers, I'm looking for the light. I'm stuck in time where one moment repeats and repeats. It's driving me insane. I'm trapped in my own mind and can't seem to figure out why. I hate myself for what you did to me, I hate the fact that you took apart of me that was meant for someone else, someone who cared. You used me, you abused me. I get sick to my stomach knowing I'm stuck in time, because of you. You still control me, I'm constantly on repeat. I'm stuck in my own mind but I've figured out why. That's exactly where you want me to be, asking myself why, blaming myself. You made me pick up that razor and you made her pull that trigger. See our stories aren't so different. We let someone take control of our mind, we let them choose our fate. If your stuck in your own mind, you gotta get out. That's a dangerous place to be.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Milo

    The mind can be your own prison.

  • 8 years ago

    by Rsan

    This here is very intense and most people including me can relate to it..Keep up the excellent writing


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Alot of people could relate to this piece. Very deep and meaningful.

    'see our stories aren't so different. We let someone take control of our mind, we let them choose our fate.' That's powerful and for many people very true, we are all quite similar if we look closely.

    • 8 years ago

      by Allie

      Very true, this was written for my first one, "Over", as to why she did it. Thank you

  • 9 years ago

    by Ciara

    This poem is exactly like my poems so i think we may have the same back story. If you want 2 talk or anything hit me up. Its a very well written poem & i feel every word. Read mine if you like.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hi Allie and welcome to the site.

    A dark and claustrophobic poem from you here. I love the last couple of lines: "If you're stuck in your own mind, you gotta get out. That's a dangerous place to be." - very true.

    Well done and keep writing,

    • 9 years ago

      by Allie

      Thank you Ben!

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