Comments : A Poem Without a Purpose.

  • 9 years ago

    by Everlasting

    Ho Ho Ho! I feel like Santa clauses lol not really. Thank you for sharing. I love the rhythm and beat and flow of your poems. Idk if it's my mood (or not) or you seriously enjoy writing, keep writing.

    P.s. The poem has so many purposes, however, I like that you don't care what purpose a poem has rather that you write because you just do.

  • 9 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    From start to finish you have carried this poem with good rhymes, flow and a certain beat to it. I like the descriptions in each stanza and how you have linked it to real life too.

    A poem has many purposes and its also therapy and its also what we do...write! Liked the read :)