Comments : Brevity

  • 9 years ago

    by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-

    God I'm in almost tears, this poem is way too emotional for my heart, my father is elderly and I know that if I do what this person went through I would be the same. It doesn't matter if the person in the poem (story) did or didn't say that the outcome would've been the same, the love a parent gives to its child is beautiful and just because the child says something really painful and doesn't mean it, it doesn't mean that the parent isn't loving his child and being proud of him/her. I find that the true reason that the grown man hates the child is not because he hates him but because he is jealous that child has his father still and he doesn't and I believe that it takes a big part of you when you love someone and they die, but it does take courage to heal and walk away from that hurt and begin life again the way they wanted you to live.

    Overall: It was beautiful, emotional, insightful, painful (because I don't have al lot of years with my father left), and finally inspiring for me not to do anything on impulse. You did a great job. 5/5

    - Moria Bella Bair

  • 9 years ago


    This is good. Very good!
    It's more of a story rather than a poem, but boy!, does it pack a punch here!
    I liked your emotional story, about a man and his Father. Found it very sad indeed.
    My Father did something very bad as he grew older, and I could never feel the same about him ever again. I have forgiven him now, time is a great healer as they say, and I know that I will see him again in the next life when I pass over. Take comfort in that thought. We WILL see our Fathers again, and beable to tell them how we felt.
    In the meantime, we must try and move on with our lives.
    Well penned Melvin!

  • 9 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hi Melvin,

    an epic story here. Our childhood experiences shape who we become. Our parents influence that more than anyone else. Boy need role models to help them and guide them into the world of men. How our fathers treat us and how they treat others tells us how to be or not to be as the case may be. Your story is very sad and one that I can relate to. If we hold onto regrets they eat us and tear us apart. Letting go of the pain is hard, but often the hardest journeys are the most important ones. Be kind to the most important person in your life - you!

    Take care,


  • 8 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    I find it difficult to think of this as a poem as it is such a long piece but instead I think of it as a powerful deep emotional piece of writing a story of an inner battle of a child growing up believing that he is responsible for his father dying, replaying that moment of anger in his head over and over again and wishing he could change it. It is an amazing piece. Something I can relate to. When my father died I wanted to say so many things to him but because he was dying I couldn't.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em


    A very powerful story you have written here and a moving one, had me in tears. You write well.

    Take care, Em