Comments : Zebra vs Crocodile (Acrostic)

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    As you know to some people, the acrostic isn't thought much of. I disagree as I know you do. Because they can be simple, making them intricate and classy are that much harder, but that certainly doesn't mean that it isn't possible. Whenever I write one, I always put thought into them and - as above - when they come out well, they are great because of the difficulty inherent in making them respectable, if you get my drift.......:(
    Anyway, this is terrible.

    NO! lol. You, above anyone on this site, seem to have a natural ability to make an acrostic great; I am always wondering how you will incorporate the next line and you never fail to disappoint.
    "calculated creation"
    How very true - they are not one of the oldest and most successful predators on earth for nothing. Throughout their many long years on earth, they have barely changed a smidgen, which tells you an awful lot.
    Zebra vs Crocodile? There was never going to be much competition there, was there?

    Brilliant, Michael - nominated.

    • 9 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      Thanks Ben, you are quite right about the Crocodile. The reason they have not changed mush is because they haven't needed to. Okay, a Zebra has its strips, but they are no good at the edge of the watering hole.

      Thanks for the nomination, though I doubt it will win as I seem to lack the necessary finesse. Thanks for your support though, that in itself is worth writing for.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Michael - believe me, there is no finesse lacking in your writing. Your descriptive prowess regularly leaves me in awe and jealous. You have a truly wonderful way with words that are a pleasure to read; you are original and one of the most important members on this site - not to mention, knowledgeable.
    Take care and all the best,

  • 9 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    This is so creative and so uplifting to read!
    It is like a children's little bed time story lol!
    Your descriptive detail is impressive and it narrates well throughout, the flow is especially impressive given that you have chosen difficult words to put into this form, but it works very well.

    Enjoyed this read, thank you

    • 9 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      Thank you. I may refrain from reading it to young children as it may give them nightmares. Lol
      Thanks again.

  • 9 years ago

    by J Nair

    Mr. Darcy,
    You created quite a vision of the african jungle (Zambia ) life and the typical water hole blood bath which is a must to the line of jungle story. But you have so brilliantly presented it in the Acrostic form.
    It's alway a joy to read your poem even if it has a bloodbath at the end.

    I just have a little question :) why have you categorised the Zebra's as female and put them in a Harem and the crocodile as Villainous HE. :)
    Thanks for sharing, always looking forward to your poems.