
by Mila Blue   Feb 6, 2016

"Friends" are supposed to be there for you
"Friends" are supposed to have your back
So when you lied to me..
Was that being a friend?
When you told people my secrets..
Was that being a friend?
When you left me for your boyfriend
Was that being a friend?
You put me aside until I'm of use to you
I'm not your toy!
You can't dispose of me at will!
what happened to I'll always be there for you?
What happened?
You know what
I can do better


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  • 9 years ago

    by Michael

    Hi Mila, well that certainly tells them. I like the strength of emotion and the real-ness. very powerful


  • 9 years ago

    by nancy

    Welcum to poems and qoutes. Its a real nice piece short bt heart touching. I admit I had broken a girls trust by telling sum of her secrets bt o won't do sumthing lyk dat again dat is my promise. Anyways dat frnd of urs will no wat mistake she had done by leaving u.

  • 9 years ago

    by Shruti

    First of all, welcome to poems and quotes.
    A short, yet so nice and emotive piece. And really very sad. I'm sure this is relatable to many.
    Friendship is a magical bond; something we always try to preserve. But when the people we trusted so much, breaks our faith in the first place, it feels so bad, that we can't even explain.
    But even though it feels that way, there is always that true one waiting for us, if we succeed in recognizing them. I hope your heart heals, and keep on writing wonderful poetry.