Rat Race Home

by Larry Chamberlin   Feb 6, 2016

I see the dormice
scurrying home:
they cut across traffic
after the light changed,
turn just in front
of oncoming traffic
and speed exactly
10 miles over the limit.

Tell me, you who feel
getting home fast
is much more important
than everyone else's
how will you invest
the 3.2 minutes
you saved?

Is there a time bank
that lets you accumulate
all those minutes
eked out at others' expense
so when the Spector comes
you can cash it in
for one more hour
of life?


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  • 9 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Larry,

    this reminds me of the fable 'The tortoise and the hare'. Slow and steady always wins the race. Claire tells me that I drive like an old man. Funny how she always wants me to drive her. I should call her Miss Daisy!

    A well written rant.

    Take care,


  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    A scathing and entirely just poem here about the many idiots there are on the road who seem to think that they are supremely impressive specimens compared to the rest of us and who care very little about the consequences of those kinds of ignorant thoughts.
    "....you can cash it in for one more hour of life"
    Exactly! What is it, really, they think they are gaining?

    Great write that got me angry just reading!
    All the best,

    • 9 years ago

      by Larry Chamberlin

      Yes! These mobile obstacle course drivers don't just cause accidents, the road rage they engender leads to many more problems.

      Thanks, Ben

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