Special needs son

by SilentOne   Feb 9, 2016

I miss you, altho I know you're not dead.
Pictures of your disability are stuck in my head.
You can't walk and you can't talk,
But you are not a laughing stock.
I love you, my actions may not speak truths.
Mommy is not strong enough or smart enough to take care of you.
The worst part is you're so far away,
I can't just glance over and see your smiling face.
I keep telling myself you're in a better place,
But shouldn't with your mother be the best place.
I'm sorry for putting you in a nursing home,
But there is more help there please stay strong.
I'd love to give you hugs and kisses right now
And listen to your laughing sounds.
Forgive me my sweet special boy,
The thought of you always bring me joy.
Until mama is strong enough to bring you home
Be strong.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    What a moving piece this is and the subject is one I have heard about and even come across numerous times.
    What do we do with someone we love so much but needs more help than we can give them? Ask others for a hand - those in a better and more capable position.
    It doesn't stop the guilt, but it is the right thing to do,
    All the very best,

    • 9 years ago

      by SilentOne

      Thank you so much for your kind words