Don't be mad ok

by Kira LeMay   Feb 9, 2016

Don't be mad at me when I lie to you 
Tell you I'm okay
The days that are bad are the days that I'm smiling
Masochist laughing at my blood
Stab me, stop being kind
Only spend time with people who hurt me
Use me, hit me, pick me apart, crush me
Don't ask me what I ate or if I drank
Don't be mad at me when I lie to you
Laugh you off, flip my hair
Don't let the pretty colors fool you
I'm not the church girl you think I am
Don't let the brains fool you
I'm not the try hard you think I am
Don't let the smiles fool you
I don't have a cure
Don't be mad at me when I lie to you
And tell you I'm fine


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  • 9 years ago

    by Mila Blue

    People just judge your character by your appearance I've been there I find it funny how they believe I'm so "innocent" ha...