Old Tree

by Liz   Feb 11, 2016

You were old.
I could tell by scars and
cracks that covered your skin in
tiny, pulsating veins.
And the way your arms outstretched
wearisomely beside your perfectly
poised figure.

You were old.
I could tell by the way
you stood watch; unfaltering-
serene under sun or rain.
And the way you held your ground
even against the strongest winds.

You were old.
I could tell by the way we were
perfectly cradled in your protective arms.
I remember how
you held us.
You held secrets, laughter,
and childhood crushes.
You even held on to the
noose around father's neck because
you knew he wouldn't.

You were old.
No longer beautiful in the eyes of others;
blooms became fastidious and
your shade wasn't needed anymore.

You were old,
but even you deserved to live.


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Latest Comments

  • 7 years ago

    by Pagan Paul

    I work at a small arboretum with trees that are over 800 years old.
    They are twisted and ravaged by storm and weather, but they are beautiful.
    And fantastic eco-systems in themselves.
    Nice ink :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Maher

    Amazing. This tree was a part of the family. Very sad and will written. Congrats on the win- very deserving of it.

  • 9 years ago

    by hiraeth

    Judging comment:

    This is an exquisite piece, although it's originally written for an old tree that was cut down during the author's childhood (as noted by a comment), it's applicable for a lot of other life forms - people and animals. The repetition was not distracting, and served to build up this notion that its death was fine, but the last verse was a welcomed ending that did a 180 with the last verse. This piece is the epitome of a double entendre and it was executed extremely well! Penmanship at it's finest. (10 pts)

  • 9 years ago

    by HumanInATree

    All I can say is my mind is in love with your words.

  • 9 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Congrats on the win.Well deserved

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