Words of Wisdom:

by Scott Cole   Feb 13, 2016

All you nice sweet words
That's trapped in my pencil,
Just leap onto that paper
And make like a stencil.

For i shall release you all
From your prison of wood,
Spare you a life sentence
Of being mis-understood.

I know it must be tough
To stand before the point,
And choose that exact spot
To express your viewpoint.

But all take your places
And line up end to end,
For this here prison break
Is very shortly to begin.

One by one they scatter
Search out a safe place,
All those nice sweet words
With smiles on their face.

Released from the system
And i hope they do well,
For you never really know
Because it's so hard to tell.

I prey that each one fits in
Right between those lines,
A well-structured sentence
Where they all can shine.

But who am i kidding
For most words these days,
Are banned from society
Cause of their nasty ways.

That's the beauty of words
Their made to be heard,
So choose all the good ones
Not those covered in dirt.

Cause the pencil is mightier
Than a two-sided sword,
For the damage it delivers
Will often strike a chord.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Maple Tree


    I love the message for this piece, and your creative angle...

    Often times, people only want to read pretty words because the truth is too much, they cant handle it.. my pen has fallen victim to pretty words far too long, my pencil has kicked it up a notch and Im happier for it...

    love this piece by you!

    • 9 years ago

      by Scott Cole

      Thank you..... If u have time id love u to read a crossword poem by me so i can get ur opinion on it.