Left behind

by Xx Grieving from the inside outxX   Feb 15, 2016

My heart beating so fast Sweat running down my face Running so fast I could feel my feet flying from underneath me Running through the brush running through the trees. I'm running so fast I can't hardly breathe But if I stop I'm afraid they might catch me. I'm hiding behind the tree To Catch a breath of cold air Slowly listening to my surroundings Every crunch every snap they're getting closer and closer. Everyone I hold dear is left in the past Everything that I knew ended the last 24 hours ago The world I knew had ended The life I knew is over The only thing I fear the most is being captured. What will they do to me? Will they kill me? Will they sell me? Or will they leave me here to die? The only thing I'm left with is wondering Why was I left behind?


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    I like what you did here.. Fast paced poem for the emotion needed to be felt and it worked well

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Christie,

    As Ben says, this is fast paced. I wonder if you played with the format whether it would the flow and the script would improve to allow the reader to follow the incredible pace intended. Just a thought.

    Well done, it reads well in any case.

    Take care,


  • 8 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Really enjoyed this faced paced poem, felt the emotions clearly

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Christy,

    A fast and frantic piece here that left me sweating! It reads like a fast-paced prose piece with a sprinkling of subtle rhyme which keeps it firmly in the "poem" category.
    A unique write that has a number of potential meanings, depending on who's reading perhaps.
    All the best and well done,

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