Miss you

by Brenda   Feb 18, 2016

I wasn't ready
to say good-bye
but yet,
you left me anyway.
So much to do,
so much unsaid,
so many of your dreams
Mine too...
It's scary,
knowing I'm on my own now.
Unsure of the steps
I take
hearing your voice
but seeing no one
hard reminders
you are no longer here.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Brenda, a sad, simple but elegant write.

    Death is hard especially when its someone we love


    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much Em, death is so very difficult, especially when we aren't ready, as if we ever could be.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Brenda and a belated welcome to the site!

    It is always terrible when we lose someone and this poem can certainly be taken two ways: has this person left of their own accord or have they died? I favour the latter, and that makes it sadder and harder to read still.
    People will take their own meanings from this but either way, it is a moving write that you have obviously poured your heart into.

    All the very best and keep writing,

    *edit "so many of your dreams unfulfilled". reading again, this tells me conclusively it is about death - excuse my initial ignorance!

    • 9 years ago

      by Brenda

      Ben, thank you! Yes, it is about death, but you could totally relate it to a lot of other losses. It's so hard when you lose someone, the pain dulls but I don't think it ever really goes away. You always wish you had one more day. I really love this site, it really has brought out a renewed creativity in me.Reading so many awesome poems is truly inspiring.

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