Comments : Miss you

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Brenda and a belated welcome to the site!

    It is always terrible when we lose someone and this poem can certainly be taken two ways: has this person left of their own accord or have they died? I favour the latter, and that makes it sadder and harder to read still.
    People will take their own meanings from this but either way, it is a moving write that you have obviously poured your heart into.

    All the very best and keep writing,

    *edit "so many of your dreams unfulfilled". reading again, this tells me conclusively it is about death - excuse my initial ignorance!

    • 9 years ago

      by Brenda

      Ben, thank you! Yes, it is about death, but you could totally relate it to a lot of other losses. It's so hard when you lose someone, the pain dulls but I don't think it ever really goes away. You always wish you had one more day. I really love this site, it really has brought out a renewed creativity in me.Reading so many awesome poems is truly inspiring.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Brenda, a sad, simple but elegant write.

    Death is hard especially when its someone we love


    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much Em, death is so very difficult, especially when we aren't ready, as if we ever could be.