Country Boy:

by Scott Cole   Feb 20, 2016

I'm a country boy
Through and through,
Born in the hills
And enjoy the view.

Tough neighborhood
The city is worst,
Troubled neighbors
Dying of thirst.

I chew the dew
Stay up for days,
Love the sunshine
And all his ways.

It's all down hill
For a country boy,
Cause where we live
There is no toys.

We like muddy banks
Or long green pastures,
Those lightning bugs
That we can capture.

A creek or a lake
To relax and grow,
High in the valley
Where bumblbees go.

Big fields of clovers
Hovering butterflies,
Way back in the woods
Where the cattails lie.

Where snakes and frogs
Make theirself home,
Where mosquitos fly
And water lizards roam.

Where a big ole buck
Gets my eyes excited,
From a good little visit
That wasn't invited.

Where bob wire fences
And lost dirty roads,
Have seen a many
Young boy toes.

Yeah I'm a country boy
I'm raised in the hills,
Where fresh air and dirt
Will give you the chills.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Scott - laughing at my own ignorance there, or maybe it's just because of my own passion for the countryside blinding me to the true meaning of the poem.
    I have read it back since you were kind enough to enlighten me, and it's actually even better now. The poem can be taken two ways, and that's always commendable.
    Well done on this.

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Scott,

    I love the country too and spend much of my free time in the woods/fields with my dogs and I grew up (partly) in the countryside.
    I have spent many happy days camping in the mountains of Snowdonia, the Lake District and the Highlands - nothing beats the fresh air, does it?
    A lovely, passionate write.
    All the best, Scott

    • 9 years ago

      by Scott Cole

      Thanks i dont know if you figured it out or not from the poem but this piece is actually about country flowers not a boy at all. Thanks