Yesterday I Heard God Cry

by Sheila King   Feb 23, 2016

Yesterday I heard God cry
As he watched a hungry baby die
And he slowly shook his head
At the sight of a soldier lying dead
Then I thought I saw him wince in pain
When he heard his son called a dirty name
As he looked down on them, he couldn't Believe
All the hurt, the pain, sorrow, and greif
Then he slowly laid down his head
And it seemed to the world that he was dead
But I knew as he watched he was looking in Shame
At a world that had only itself to blame
I looked through his eyes and saw the reason Why
When yesterday I heard God cry


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Sheila and welcome to the site.

    A controversial poem here, dare I say. It's that whole argument, isn't it? If there is a God, where is he? (from the non-believers)
    and He's there, but it's our fault! (from the believers)
    Personally, I don't know which side to come down on, but I fully agree with the content: it is a sad world full of too many horrors for liking.
    I enjoyed this. It made me think and I love the rhyming flow.
    All the very best,