What the heck?

by Brenda   Feb 29, 2016

I'm sitting
on the sidelines
watching my life
to no fault
of my own...
I didn't expect
nor did I ask for
certainly didn't want it
but I got it-
unwillingly handed to me
gift wrapped
in the guise of
and for my "happiness?"
Whose happiness?
I was happy...
silly for me to think
you were "happy" too...
Our life together
wasn't enough
for ya?
So tell me,
what's it like
to turn somebody else's
life upside down?
To crash and burn
without a care.
Do you care
that you sent our
life and me
Unlike you
I have a heart-
and a soul
and although they've been
bruised and battered
I will go on
I will pick up the pieces
of my imploded life
I'll tuck my heart
giving it only to the deserving
I will be smarter
and wiser
because of you.
Steering clear of your kind
the hurt you've caused
will fade
memories of you
will fade too
because in the end
you certainly weren't
worth it....


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  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    I must say, Im loving the creativity you are exploring with your writes. :) They seem to always turn out so lovely!

    Well done on this powerful piece!
    it had everything, sadness, rawness, and more.

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you Naomi! It's hard not to be affected by things that happen around us. Hugs!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Brenda, this needs more views and those sons of guns need to answer.. Why they feel it ok to shatter life's and then move on without a care in the world!!


    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much Em. This was written for a dear friend of mine whose husband hit her with that bomb, literary told her for her own good. What a douche!

  • 9 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Brenda: One small typo I feel in the middle upper part of your poem "alike should be like" I think?

    Now on with this powerful piece-

    To have another bend you to the point of explosion can be heartbreaking, but what you have done here is elegantly displayed your emotions, so much that I could feel your sadness and frustration through out... Oh I am loving your pen dear Lady! this was explosive!

    • 9 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you! You are right too about the typo-crud, missed that...should be "like". Yeah, love can be the cruelest but I couldn't survive without it.

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