If East meets West

by Saerelune   Mar 13, 2016

Back to back, separate mattresses:
we stare at the ceiling, blind our eyes on skype
if only we could, if only that ship didn't steal our hope,
if only we didn't drown ourselves in non-existent kisses.

Your blanket is the closest to your heart, not me
and every night it's not me who keeps you warm.
Our love was no civil war, but everyone held the trigger.
If we hugged, we'd simply be an easier target.

And so we run, our backs separating from each other
like propaganda posters from an abandoned wall.
Our love was not illegal, yet we were wanted,
hunted down by the hands of fate

So everyone pulled the trigger, the night we kissed.
Everyone peeled our fingers from each other's grasp.

The ship didn't sink, but our hearts did.
Back to back, separate coffins.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Em

    This was a pleasure to read.
    So sincere and beautiful.
    The picture you paint is such a sad one but real in it's serenity.
    'our love was no civil war but everyone pulled the trigger'what a line!! :)

  • 9 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    I really like the line our love was no civil war but everyone held the trigger. There is so much to read and analyse in this poem. What a pleasure to read

  • 9 years ago

    by ghosts in bloom

    I've read this piece a million times today... Mulling it over, letting its effect on me shift perspective. I wish I had something more to say, but this feels so dear and close to my heart.

    Sometimes you read a piece of poetry that feels like a release, like something you've needed to say but couldn't, at least not in a satisfactory way. I've written about this subject many, many times myself but some of the images you use here put a pin in things I have yet been able to.

    This line:
    "Our love was no civil war, but everyone held the trigger"
    and the couplet at the end are marvelous. I feel as though they could stand alone and still say volumes.

    I'll stop rambling. I adore this. Lovely, strong work.

  • 9 years ago

    by hiraeth

    I've always read everything you post, just never get a chance to comment as much as I'd like to. I remember reading this for the v-day contest, and was curious to know what the prompt behind it was (was there a image, or was it just the title?) That said, I'm at a loss for words, you take the readers through this narrative in such a profound way, every verse was purposeful and it's just amazing. I wish I could muster up the right words right now to describe how much I love this piece, and how it made me feel. Beautiful piece!

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