Wandering through the musty, dark corridors
Of my mind, stray thoughts and emotions
Pound against me like hail
Strikes down on a home.
The contstant pressure of love,
Hate, Sorrow, Pain...
It floods the halls and threatens
To drown me and keep me
Trapped deep within the mire.
Stopping briefly for periods of time
To watch the memories unfold
Like a hollywood film,
I sit and watch the moments
Good and bad play its mournful
Cinematic Picture, being accompanied
By a melancholy melody that could
Cause the hairs on your body
To stand on end and stir
Tears from your eyes.
"Please make them stop!
Let the sadness be gone
From my mind and heart!
All I want is to be whole again..."
It was as if my mind
Decided to play against me,
For even as I ran ever more
The mournful sound became stronger,
The cinema of bad dreams continued
On forevermore.
As I ran on trying to find the exit
And escape into the world that
I knew would hide me,
The path changed around me,
Keeping me going eternally in a circle.
It was then that I realized,
That I was trapped forever
In the catacombs.