
by Jason   Apr 19, 2016

The days seemed to flow
Endlessly together,
And yet at the same time
Everything came to a halt.
I had done everything I could
To win her heart.
I told her about how her laughter
Sounded as melodic as
The beautiful tunes of the mockingbird.
I regaled her with tales of
My childhood and antic.
I saw in her the most beautiful
Light that illuminated the darkness.
She told me of the times that
Were both good and bad.
The days she felt happy
To be alive just as much
As the days she wished for death.
I consoled her when others
Were nowhere to be found,
Laughed when others
Would have sat stone-faced.
I loved her now as much
As the day we met.
I enjoyed our walks and talks
And embraced the times when
Nothing was said,
And we lied down watching
The starry sky pass by.
Then one day she told me
That she started talking to
The man of her dreams,
Someone that was perfect for her
In every conceivable way.
He was an artist you see,
And it was his paintings
That conveyed emotions so strong
That he hid behind his facade
Of a bright smile that she
Fell in love with.
She told me all this
And asked of my opinion
As to what she should do,
What she should say,
What she should convey.
How I ached and yearned
To yell at the top of my lungs
How she should see that
I was in love with her
And that she should be
With me, her prince as
She would like to call me.
I couldn't do it though...
Her happiness was something
That I wanted more than anything
In this world, as it was worth
More than gold, money, anything
To this bleeding heart of mine.
So I thought it best
To fit the best of both worlds
And to convey my longing for her
As help for her problems
On how to approach the man she
Had fallen for.
"Well my princess, I would say
That you need to not
Let fear get its cold,
Unrelenting grip on your heart
Because it is then that
You start to doubt
Whether or not it is ever
Going to happen.
Follow through with what
Your heart desires.
You only live this
Life once, so make the most
Of it all and be happy.
Let your love shine through
To him, and let him see
The beautiful mosaic
Masterpiece that is your soul."
It was then that she gazed
Directly into my eyes.
Those soulful, hazel eyes
Bore deep into my soul
And held me in my place,
Keeping me from moving
Even an inch.
As quick as a lightning bolt
Flashing across the sky,
She crossed the distance between us
And kissed me as passionately
As any novel might lead to believe.
Through the sensation of her lips
Against mine, I felt her convey
Her feelings that she had hidden
For so long to me.
It was me that she was referring to,
The man who was so afraid
Of showing his emotions,
He conveyed them through his
Writings, through his paintings.
I thought that maybe it was in
This way, everything I saw, loved,
Hated, feared, lived, and breathed
Could live forever and be free.
Through choked back tears
Of elation, she told me
"Do you remember the day we met?
It is imprinted in my mind forever.
We were introduced through friends
At a little coffee shop and we
Spent hours upon hours
Just getting to know each other,
Laughing at the silly little things
We each had done in our youth.
I had told you then one of my biggest dreams
Was to one day live in a house
That stood on a grassy hill that
The sun would shine upon
And paint the view in such
A splendid ray of light.
How the view overlooked a lake that
When the sun rose, would paint
The water in a soft orange glow.
You had invited me over to your house
One day a few years later to show me
A few new pieces you had worked on,
And wanted my opinion.
When you went to go grab them,
I saw the one you had hidden
Behind the curtain.
It was a painting of what I had told you
my dream was from the day we met.
You had held onto that moment for all
These years and you had written
On the bottom, 'My princess' dream'
I knew then that you were
The man of my dreams."
I held her in my arms
As the tears of joy
Started falling.
The shattered panes
Of glass in my heart,
Fit together again
As a beautiful mosaic.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Jason I think this is so beautiful. It may be a tad long but you keep the story going well throughout.

    The shattered panes
    Of glass in my heart,
    Fit together again
    As a beautiful mosaic.
    I love this part. Beautiful.

  • 8 years ago

    by Lyn Aribaca

    Very creative .

    the use of figure of speech was really nice.
    you deliver it in simplest way but still giving a wide imagery

    god bless.