Today, I'll write a sonnet. Yes, today.
And so, I'm here with hands on keyboard, and...
astray, lost in thought. Yes, fully astray.
Hand to me attention. Give me a hand.
Awake me. Don't be scared. Keep me awake.
When poetry captures me that's when...
heartache... my chest aches. Oh, this heartache!
Then joy engulfs me and I breathe life then.
But once again this pain that's nothing but...
( Ah, I don't know how I should call it, ah! )
just THAT - an ACHE, returns to me to just...
(Ha, I don't know the reason why, but ha!)
I think I feel alive again, don't I?
thereby, the ache is gone! I've woken up, thereby.
Written by : L.L.
April 20, 2016
The Shadow Sonnet was created by Amera M. Andersen, may be written in any sonnet style. The Shadow takes place at the beginning and ending of each line as the words are identical or homophonic. Since all poetry was originally meant to be sung or recited out loud, homophonic words are acceptable, these are words that sound alike such as "see and sea".
(Rules: 14 lines, 9 or 10 syllables per line. The poem should have a volta or pivit; iambic pentameter is not necessary.)
As you may have noticed: the last line of my poem has 12 syllables which should be either 9 or 10 syllables, but I prefer to give up the form than to give up on the content.