Comments : Lost Beauty

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Hi Shanky,

    This is a little gem and although short has quite a big meaning I feel that many of us can relate to if I'm right.

    A blooming flower,
    A lovely opening and I feel the flower is representation of someone who is standing alone looking for something that they crave in life, usually love.

    with beautiful buds
    The buds here I feel are representation of personal traits like those maybe you are looking for.

    kept unwatered
    This is important because being without food is fine but water is no good for anybody but again I feel the water is representing love because as a person we all need love no matter how much we try to deny it.

    left to die.
    The pause in the piece makes Me believe that yes love is dead and that beautiful flower (you) has been left without water (love) for far too long and because of that are left to die, alone.

    Maybe I am wrong in my interpretation but that's what I felt.

    All in all beautifully wrote. Em

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    This is great - original and hard-hitting.

    I take the whole piece to be a metaphor perhaps for a beautiful love that has been neglected and 'left to die'.

    The separation of that last line works very well, especially as I didn't see it until I scrolled down - I read the rest of the poem without knowing it was there so it hit me extra hard!

    Take care and stay well,