Comments : May Day Creed

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Chad I love this piece, very raw and truthful.

    When we are broken even just a little it's hard to love again because of trust etc but how can anybody else love us if we can't love ourselves?

    Take care, Em

    • 8 years ago

      by Chad Picard

      "but how can anybody else love us if we can't love ourselves?"

      Exactly... which is a large part of why I'm likely doomed. ;)

      But, not really what I was going for.

      What I was saying is: No matter what, I'll fight until I can no longer do so.

      I wont accept passivity from myself any longer.

      Nowhere did I say I expected to win. ;)

      Thanks for the comment.

  • 8 years ago

    by Beautiful Tragedy

    To Fight for what I believe in; in May..
    I'll take that creed.