Spiritless love

by Michael   May 10, 2016

Your charming presence
swept the air, when you
entered the room.
The seductive scent
of your enticing perfume.
Your aura radiant
with provocation.

Your spirit strew an
infectious spell,
once before I was
by your beguiled bell!
The perpetual memory
that I hold,
of love - erroneous and cold.

The strings of my heart
you plucked,
a deceitful tune.
A frail, delicate piece
now lost down a flume.

The desire for your arousing
ridicules me so.
The erotic bite,
a (somewhat) menacing

But! You hold a syringe
full of an insipid
And no!
needle I will again aid
I am strong now,
and honour
my rejection!

Your spell once before,
to which I fell slave,
never again will I allow
my spirit be crushed,
nor my soul
to concave!


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Michael, I liked this its unique in style.

    Take care, Em

  • 8 years ago

    by Lyn Aribaca

    Your charming presence
    swept the air, when you
    entered the room.
    The seductive scent
    of your enticing perfume.
    Your aura radiant
    with provocation.

    nice beginning
