Comments : Deep

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Moa, this is so beautiful but so sad. Its like you are drowning in your own love because you have so much to give.

    My advice is you need not to be afraid but to find someone who loves as deep as you do, theyll be out there waiting :) i know the feeling of giving out love and not having it returned in all senses not just relationship but friendships too.

    Fantastic, Em

  • 8 years ago

    by The Po whet

    Thank you Em

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    Love is a powerful emotion it can endow us with strength and reduce Samson to a waif in a breath.

    A 'Zombie heart' is one that is dead. A dead heart won't work well, much like the flailing limbs it controls.

    Why is it malfunctioning? It loved once upon a time and like Samson was reduced and scarred 'DEEP' this 'nostalgia' creates a sea of fear and pain that a zombie heart just cannot traverse.

    A well written and thought out piece.

    Take care,


  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    This is excellent. I love the extended metaphor of drowning in love's deep ocean and that you feel you are bound to because of how deeply you always love.
    Love is a scary thing to get caught up in - especially if we have experienced its sometimes terrible power before - but I still believe we should always 'take the plunge' - life is too short not to.

    Take care and all the best

    • 8 years ago

      by The Po whet

      Thank you Michael and Ben for your comments, I appreciate, and Ben I think I'll take your advice on taking the plunge once again, I mean what does a zombie got to lose anyway :-).Thanks guys