
by Scott Cole   Jun 5, 2016

Tears of heartbreak
As plentiful as dirt,
Signs of depression
Share my dress shirt.

My heart is shamed
Our well-being suffers,
I'm losing self-control
Without any buffers.

I crash and I burn
I hit rock bottom,
I'm not playing dead
Like the other opossums.

I cry in distraught
And fear the unknown,
I'm ripped into shreads
But no broken bones.

A sharp betrayal
An even sharper pain,
A family scar
The weight of a train.

A puzzled heart
Cut into pieces,
Dripping in misery
With no cohesion.

A family bond
That's on the rocks,
Demons have arised
From Pandora's box.

A father's sorrow
Bleeding with smite,
For from my backside
Sticks a butcher knife.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Scott, this is very powerful and emotional.
    The short, sharp sentences are very striking because they fit the mood of the poem well.

    Great work as always, Em

  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Far out! So deep, so many emotions! I really like this one too. It made me get right into it and start feeling all the same... very dark, but lovely. If this makes sense.
    Well done

    D.D xx