A Desperate Heart Stays Hungry:

by Scott Cole   Jun 15, 2016

For starving hearts
Searching for love,
In a field of snow
For a single white dove.

Like a four leaf clover
That's so hard to find,
That one in a million
That blows your mind.

For starving hearts
Searching for trust,
In a field of water
For a speck of dust.

Like a Halley's Comet
That's so hard to find,
That one in a million
That blows your mind.

For starving hearts
Searching for joy,
In a field of misery
For what doesn't annoy.

Like a chosen soulmate
That's so hard to find,
That one in a million
That blows your mind.

For starving hearts
Searching for a vie,
In a field of straw
For a needle's eye.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Alaskan Husky

    As they sleep...we get to let them Å¡tale..never go rise. never to understamd their gifts..sad
    like your stuff