Coffee 3 - Omega

by Maher   Jun 15, 2016

Five "Tea"s do I count,
but "Coffee"s only three.
Does it take so many
to subdue this decree?
That's two whole more
than I ever would need;
that alone is proof
which aides coffee, indeed.

I needn't say more,
though read you, the stats:
In USA, three to one
and indeed that's a fact.

Believe me not?
Let's explore other countries,
Mexico, 89, that's percentage,
my dear.

"Not enough", you say?
Now I beg you,
take heed!
Switzerland 69
and Austria 80.
Czech Republic 65,
Netherlands 73;
Spain 85
and Belgium 90.

All in favour of coffee
while the remainder is tea.
I needn't say more,
these are studies - not by me.

So proceed to write Tea 6 to 100,
for there is no way in hell
to deny these numbers.

I provide this link as confirmation:


The end :p


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    It was fun

  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Okay okay. You win ;) 5/5 lol awesome use of rhymes

    • 8 years ago

      by Maher

      LOL thanks :p

      Not about winning or losing - it was fun :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Love how you've put stats into this maybe it'll help your argument, maybe not haha


    • 8 years ago

      by Maher

      Lol oh come on...I even went to the effort to make the link rhyme!

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