Comments : Devocalization.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    This is an excellent piece of writing that moved me immensely.
    I have to be honest, until the "your bark" stanza, I had no idea that the piece was about a dog specifically which is testament to how emotive it is because I wasn't less moved because of that, if that makes sense.
    Also, the process itself is new to me - I had no idea that this procedure took place anywhere in the world - it seems barbaric.
    As you so rightly point out in your footnote, I daresay most animals that behave in this manner are more a product of their upbringing (now, what does that remind me of?) and are, in fact, a more accurate reflection of their owners ineptitude rather than their own shortcomings. There are certainly dogs near me that bark to the point of distraction, but it is the owners that need 'devocalizing'.

    A stunning and original piece, both emotive and thought-provoking and - in my opinion - all good art should be at least one of those things. Nominated

    Take care and all the best,

    • 8 years ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Indeed, Ben. Thank you so much for reading and leaving your thoughts. Appreciate it!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    So sad!! :(
    Have to agree with Ben, it's usually the owners!!

    Great though sad write, Em

  • 8 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Judging Comment:

    I had to look up what the procedure of devocalization was because this was absolutely heartbreaking. Not that I have any pets or anything, but this still put me into a trance of just how horrible the world can be to beings it doesn't fully understand. There was so much passionate personality in this piece as though something so terrible had actually affected the author, and the audience. The diction and syntax were spot on for the poignant devastation this projected upon me in all my read-throughs (1 through about 10). Even though the end was captivating, and the true punch every piece needs, the thing I feel deserves the most praise in this piece is the introduction and how smoothly it pulls the reader in without many questions being asked, but the story already missing something - if that makes sense. "I cannot hear its roaring thunder when I fall asleep" instantly cleared up to me, why so many people find their pets to be so comforting. Absolutely phenomenal piece.