Comments : No beauty

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    We are all beautiful in our own unique way. Embrace your curves, embrace your curls. It took me many years to make peace with my body, it's a continual fight even now. But I am who I am, curves and all-my husband tells me all the time I was made just for him. Lovely write-

  • 8 years ago

    by Melpomene


    The voice you had in this poem was powerful. While your thoughts about yourself were negative, I feel like you were the voice of many women in this poem, those who are unable to find their voice and admit these things to themselves in such a public way. The emphasis on body image is spiralling out of control, we are in an era where we are told we must be aesthetically pleasing in a particular way. By speaking up about your own battles with your own thought process, you allow other women to find sanctuary in your words.

    The reference to your mother was one that had me pondering. I wonder if in the past my own mother was more comfortable with her body. In the 70s was she hiding her body? These days even my mother is self conscious but I am curious if she has alway been that way.

    The salon was another reference that pretty much summarises where these ideas come from. Again, we are taught and told that we must be aesthetically pleasing by changing aspects of ourselves.

    Ah, the scale. I'm still trying to find the courage to throw my own away.

    I adore this piece by you!

    • 8 years ago

      by Yakari Gabriel

      "I'm still trying to find the courage to throw my own away"
      - a 12 word story by Melpomene
