Space Monkey

by Cantchangeme   Jun 30, 2016

Hey there Mr Monkey where've you been
Been out amongst the stars too long
I can't imagine what you've seen
I'm all alone and turning blue
Not feeling right or wrong
Just lying here waiting for you

Mr Monkey I love this secret that we share
I cherish every mark you make
These bruises show me that you care
I'm space walking longer losing track
Not sure how long I've been here
Never wanting to turn back

My beautiful astronaut up in the sky
Let's sit side by side together
One by one watch the planets die
And as we see our last sunrise
Remove your paws from my neck
And use them to cover up my eyes


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Interesting write! Mr. Monkey is not very nice, is he? One typo in second life, to should be too. Other than that I really enjoyed this, flowed beautifully.

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    Original and interesting.

    Space Monkey comes across as a bad, abusive Monkey. The relationship between you and he are entwined, one implicitly linked to the other.

    Could space be the deep thought, trance like affect that induces the abusive Monkey?

    Take care,


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    As Ben said this is an original piece. it's beautifully written with great rhyming and imagery.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    What an original piece of poetry with lovely, flowing rhyme.

    Well done and all the best,
