To The Weekly Contest Judge [ Sonnets ]

by Everlasting   Aug 1, 2016

Should I compose a sonnet just for you?
You are a judge who's tired of reading them
Rhymes aren't something you look forward to
And solecism is bound to be condemned...
Some think your comments are constructive
while others may consider they lack tact.
And even though you think rhymes are restrictive,
And that free style evokes the most impact,
I feel that I can try to change your mind
That is of course if only I could write
At least an English Sonnet to unwind
The boredom that some sonnets might incite.

But in the case that I were not to triumph,
I'll try till my sonnets do not galumph.

So judge, I set upon my mind that I,
Would create many sonnets just for you,
The questions are which ones I should supply?
Just English Sonnets all the way through?
Or just Spenserian sonnets, to do?
Or just Petrarchan sonnets, I should pen?
Or may be, I should intermix them too?
Like one of each one every now and then
Until I can indite more than just ten
Like I have done with the preceding piece
Like I am doing with this one again -
About to mix and write a style apiece.

Or should I stick to the same form of verse?
I guess it wouldn't hurt if I'm diverse.

So judge, in view that I became aware
Of what my Sonnet Sequence will be like,
And that you have a clue with what I'll strike,
I think it's fair to say, "please, grab a chair"
because I'm merely climbing the third stair
within the hill of sonnets that I'll hike.
And judge, I also hope that you are psych,
Or at the very least that you're prepare
to be an spectator who'll then be watched
by those who read what I am writing now.
Yet since the mods have had your name well patched
no body will know your identity, oh wow!
Thus grab a chair or have a drink of scotch
while I move onto the next stair for now.

You know, I'm not as fit as I once were.
Before, I easily walked with my words,
I then ran till I arrived anywhere...
That was the beauty of how free verse works.
If you want to go for a run, you go.
If you want to go for a walk, you walk.
This feeling surges from within you though
And you must go until the feeling balks.
Yet it's not like you must run to lose weight
Or that you must do it for your own health
You just do it because it is innate
because this feeling takes hold of yourself

just like how I'm writing this sonnet now
just like how I'll write the next...somehow.

And judge, as you may or may not have seen,
I have already climbed to the fifth step.
so if you must, try to check from your screen
that you may see how I picked up my step
despite once having given a misstep
that almost made me fall to the first stair.
And since I have now regained my footstep,
I will continue climbing this affair.
I only hope that you are well prepare
because as I go up this hill of sonnets
you will be there observing from your chair
how I transcend this path of bluebonnets

unless of course you are already bored
if not, wait for what I have for you stored.

Written by: L.L.


First Sonnet: English
Rhyme Scheme: abab cdcd efef gg

Second Sonnet: Spenserian
Rhyme Scheme: abab, bcbc, cdcd, ee.

Third Sonnet: Pertrachan
Rhyme Scheme: abba abba cdcdcd

Fourth Sonnet: English
Rhyme Scheme: abab cdcd efef gg

Fifth Sonnet: Spenserian
Rhyme Scheme: abab bcbc cdcd ee



Sorry,Judge. I can't complete this piece. I don't have enough time to dedicate my thoughts only to this piece. I'm one that needs to finish a piece in one day or two days, at most a week; otherwise the inspiration runs out. It may come back in the near future when I have free time. Thanks for reading. I did write you a sonnet.


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    DAAAAAMMMMNNNNNNN!!!! Wow! That is amazing! I've got nothing!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Wow. I'm speechless!! This is fantastic! X

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Luce,

    five sonnets, that's too much! *claps*

    • 8 years ago

      by Everlasting

      The aim were to write a couple of more but I got distracted with life, and then ... Well, the emotion and intention shifted towards other shores; Taking me to other lands, not giving me enough time to explore what the shore of this piece could have had for me in store.

      Claps to you too! Keep trying those sonnets. :D

  • 8 years ago

    by Darren

    This is amazing Luce, well done.

    I was that judge,

    Thanks for your effort.