Africa's Cry

by Ramon The SvnStone Haupt   Aug 7, 2016

Still slaving away since the first,
Others fighting for more when will africa burst.

The americas and so called kingdom, power and first world,
Calling us a disaster,
'Forwarding the world' they say as if they're the master.

We now live just as they want us to be,
Their queen and government wanting to destroy our drum beat.

So will our power come through?
Let us rather clasp our hands, bow as the few.


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  • 8 years ago

    by stormingdance (Lessa)

    Thanks for sharing. There are so many lies said about Africa.

    • 8 years ago

      by Ramon The SvnStone Haupt

      Yep, and the young and youth of today wherever they are in the world are sort of brainwashed but africa is in deep pain if I can say so, but I'm sure like a wound time is the only healer