So as each year passes by,
With the celebration of another year with graceful age,
Wisdom beauty can only burst forth in splendour.
Can only flourish like a rose is happy to see the sunshine.
And now as you embrace this perfect time it can only be a blessing and let us cherish this moment with friend and family alike.
Holding but not clinging on age, let not anything stumble your path as you show your true happiness and may the sun continue to shine over you and the moon's glow with protection of true and pure love as the way you deserve.
Hold your crown, yes, as a queen, let your prince if not your king clasp your heart and soul so that your door now may open to limitless fun and enjoyment.
The attraction that you still hold,
Let no dark cloud shatter you for your tears should no longer be running down.
And now as I wish you may the years keep you for many more,
And may the love of light shine upon you.