Fantasy Football

by CJ Johnson   Sep 14, 2016

Twas the night before the draft
And its been a few years
Since I've been drawn to the keys
To type out to my peers

Time has moved us along
In a variety of new roles
Made us husbands and fathers
And altered most our past goals

Some of us have bet a little less money
And some have bet a little bit more
Some of us cling to past
Of a high school athletic lore

We've retired our parents
And seen theirs pass on in life
We've set up a new routine
That's been written up by the wife

Its a somber feeling
That I soon will digress
And get back to the reason
I typed out this poetic mess

Because every time
At this mid August bloom
The heart starts to race
And the energy consume

Commanding my fingers
To type this magical mean
Creating this literary genius
Like Shell Silverstein

Think of our fantasy 12
Like Tennyson's Light Brigade
Attacking the football season
"When can their glory fade?"

"Never!" I do say
Our league never says die
As much as we all
See time passing us by

We come together each year
And push away all the noise
Of our family of wives
With the girls and the boys

Team names like Wall-E and Brokaw
Big Pill and Rockne
Biff Tannen and Gore
Commish and Elder Kavi

We are Machete and Stiggy
Tball Spears and Moose James
We echo in eternity
Amist all of the change

So as I write my last verse
The kids are tucked in tight
Back to the office tomorrow
But damn it I'm mock drafting tonight!!!


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This was a really enjoyable, fun read about wanting to go back to the youth of playing footie (or any sport) without wives and kids getting on your toes lol and I tell you what is women can do a lot of that though I do enjoy watching football and rugby.


  • 8 years ago

    by CJ Johnson

    Thanks for the reply! This was a 100% guys poem about playing Fantasy Football over the years. My wife thinks its childish, however I've found that things that keep us young w/ our friends are things that you never want to let go of.

  • 8 years ago

    by Bradley Peter


    Rather a fun, little piece. The use of 'Twas', and in fact, the entire first line set up the jolly tone immediately. I'm sure you're aware that most people will instantly think 'Twas the night before Christmas', which, for most people, will already put joy in their hearts.

    I felt your first four stanzas were the strongest - perhaps because being from the UK, I know little of American football (if that's in fact to what you were referring) - but also, because the first four were more about life and had a sense of mortality.

    I think that your ending was quite strong, too. Ended on a high, giving us the image of this 'big kid', who will tomorrow have to return to the world of an adult.

