Comments : Every woman

  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Brenda nominated. This is spot on.. perfectly portrayed!
    Its so sad but true..
    Well done!


    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Oh Naomi, thank you so much, hugs girl!

  • 8 years ago

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist


    A graphic piece. .. I thought I can't finish this coz of the pain this poem illustrated. .
    But if so I will never know how it ends....

    well done to this heart squeezing piece


    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much Gel, your words mean so very much-Hugs-

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    So glad this was nominated as i am all out but it needs to be front page.

    All the best. Em

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much Em-hugs-

  • 8 years ago

    by Mary

    This is so powerful and every word of it is true and important. I absolutely love this piece.

    Take Care

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much Mary. Your words mean so much to me- hugs-

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    I am feeling more and more worthless as a man at the moment. It started with a sexist bigot being voted into the white house and concludes nicely with this! So thank you, lol :(
    Unfortunately, a truer poem was never written. Well done and may I just say, I for one truly do appreciate the value of womanhood! (My daughter would kill me if I didn't)

    Take care

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Ben, please do not feel worthless. Not all men are sexist a-holes...My husband for one is a very empathic man towards woman. My ex, um, not so much...and he has 2 daughters! We don't have to be treated like princesses but we also don't need to be thought of as second class citizens. Your job as a father is to teach your son's how to be a good men and your daughter to be a strong self sufficient woman. Hugs Ben-

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Brenda - advice well taken.

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      I know you are up to the task. :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Wow, Brenda. Wow!

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thanks Michael...

  • 8 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Holy crap! Powerful!!!

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you Andrea, hugs-

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Congratulations, Brenda!

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thanks Ben, I am so stoked!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Brenda so glad to see this inspiring and powerful write on the front page my friend, well deserved win. Congratulations and hugs as a fellow lady ;) (I use the term loosely hehe)

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thanks Em, I appreciate you, you are a lady lol, just as much as me....just saying. Hugs my friend!

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Congratulations Brenda.

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you Michael!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Lol Brenda not sure about that ;)

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      If I am, you are lol!!!!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Haha ok Brenda.. I try to be ;)

  • 8 years ago

    by Jenn

    Congrats Brenda!
    Amazing, well deserved WIN!


    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much Jenn! I appreciate your comments.

  • 8 years ago

    by Beautiful Tragedy

    This is such a raw and emotional, but absolutely amazing piece. Congratulations.
    Job very well done on this one

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments and taking the time to read this-

  • 7 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    I like this poem to the very inch of it!! Its one of those hard
    hitting, truth filled poem about how women are perceived,
    used, taken for granted and humiliated. What more this poem
    includes every woman as the title suggest from every walk of
    life, culture, religion; because in every culture women are been treated and used without mercy or care.

    The read itself is smoothly penned without missing a beat nor
    is there a hiccup or an intrusion of the flow which makes the reader want to read each and every line till the end and
    nodding one’s head in agreement. Overall, a painful read yet powerful. Excellent!

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Meena, thank you so much! I greatly appreciate your wonderful comments. I really did try to include every woman. I probably could have written about 4 more pages to encompass all of us. Hugs-

  • 7 years ago

    by Phoenix ¥

    Wow this poem is so touching and well written, hard hitting and poignant. Very appropriate for International Women’s Day tomorrow!

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much! I appreciate your thoughts.

  • 6 years ago

    by Brise

    This is such a powerful poem ! Love this !

    • 6 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much! It was one of those that once the words came it just flowed.

  • 5 years ago

    by Elizabeth

    This is really amazing. It evokes that feeling that, I would think, every woman has at some point in life. For us there is no winning. You're always too much of one thing and not enough of another. Or if you show some exceptional skill, it's automatically decided that you are some sort of exception to your gender.

    Thanks for sharing.

    • 5 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you! And YES! It is true, we are always too much of one and not the other. I appreciate your words!

  • 4 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Wonderfully Powerful, Bravo, Great Work.

    • 4 years ago

      by Brenda

      thank you so much! I'm very proud of this piece.