Trust me no more..

by deeplydesturbed   Nov 22, 2016

Looking downwards, I see my own mistake
The white carpet now soaked in red liquid
Why oh why did I let myself fall
Down the same old path I always take

I can not hide my shame
Or fix this stain
Now all will know
I will soon be dead

All trust I have gained
Has just flown out the door
With one bad work day
I have nothing left, nothing more

But this time I didn't cut, I didn't hurt
Or bring myself to feel pain
This time was different
But once again, outcomes are the same

I have traded one thing for another
Cutting myself to feel is done
Instead now another poison
Drinking is no longer fun

I do it to forget
I do it to feel numb
I do it for myself inside
And to seem outwardsly okay

What started out as harmless
Has turned into more
I'm now filled with toxins
Stumbling through each door

This time they will know due to the stain
And all the wine is gone
For now its off to bed
To deal with consequences tomorrow.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Naomi,

    Red wine has a lot to answer for. What would it say if it could offer advice?

    How are you? You look like you've has a bad day. Let's talk, I mean really talk about it. You can trust me can't you? Together we can deal with anything.
    Something like this perhaps?

    Now you just need a human to trust like the red wine.

    (((Hugs))) xx

    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      I think it would tell me to drink more personally. Haha

      Thanks michael, i am starting to trust more people :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Naomi, this is original and I like the centred piece as is seems to go with the theme of the poem somehow.

    Title - I would love to say this intrigued me but in all fairness your on my faves and I get your poetry on the front page lol anyway it did make me question why exactly we shouldn't trust you anymore so I read on.

    1: This makes me question what exactly is the res liquid.. Wine from a bad night, blood from a self inflicted injury or possibly sweet and sour sauce from a Chinese you swore you wouldn't have again?

    2: This makes me question exactly what stain you are ashamed of? And with the ending line I thought possibly blood from a self inflicted injury...

    3: It can be really horrible when your trust percentage is low and then you have a horrible day at work and you just want to give in but you're strong and I know you won't and you know I'm here. In the last line you have two 'have'

    4: Sometimes we take on different ways of self arm, hurting ourselves in different ways as cutting and harming ourselves with things isn't the only way to cause pain... As you say it is the same outcome unfortunately.

    5: This is sad because you have come to realise that you are still barking yourself but in a different way and realisation is a start.

    6: We all have our own ways of dealing with things, some times they're bad for us but help unfortunately for a little while.

    7: To make ourselves feel better we take in toxins or do other things which give us some relief then we end up feeling better than before.

    8: This shows that you have been hiding your drinking (I think) because of the first line.. Tomorrow is another day, a fresh start take it as that and remember we are if you need us.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Thanks Em,
      I was hoping spell checked fixed it all for me. I will admit I wrote this while a little tipsy. If not drunk.
      And i havent exactly been hiding my drinking. But as forthcoming as i should be.. wine experts and lovers look away now; em i drink it from my coffee cup in my bottom draw in my room. The wine is kept in my wardrobe :( there.. its out there now.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    While wine is certainly a preferable substance to see spilled on the floor, the cause of the initial drinking is obviously just as serious and often stems from the same problem as cutting yourself: depression. Either way, these paths are not the ultimate answer.

    Do take care and all the best,


    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Thanks benny.
      As you know I am trying and its still a struggle, but for the moment, id rather the drinking than the cutting

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    N, you scared me there for a minute, then I calmed, then scared again. I wish I could be right there for you to help you get through a bad day, week, etc...drinking can be a good thing and it can destroy you. I have lived through the destruction of drink. I'm here for you, if you need to vent over a crap day, whatever...I liked this write a lot, it was well done even if you scared the crap out of me.

    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Sorry for scaring you Brenda.. i guess i really did have too much last night!

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