by CRAFTY KEN   Nov 26, 2016

My Marvelous Lord

He meets me wherever I trod, besides my bed or in my backyard.

When I gaze at the Sun and Stars, you laugh and say, don't be so amazed at my wonder and greatness, I'll meet you wherever you are! Don't try to limit me as so many do, never forget, I am God and you are you, when you were born I was there to say; how do you do!

I never sleep or grow weary and know far beyond one and one is two, why do you try to make me small so your ego can grow tall, don't you realize that I make your pride a tool, something to make you fall?

Be humble and resist being proud and in due season I will have your name proclaimed aloud! Put me to the test and if you do you will be the best of the best, your soul will find it's rest in me for I am the Living God who one day you will see.

Author Ken
November 26, 2016


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  • 8 years ago


    Thanks Marvellous and Crystal


  • 8 years ago

    by Crystal

    I love this!

  • 8 years ago

    by Marvellous

    "..Be humble and resist being proud.."
    This one certainly reached to me. A prophesy, quite marvellous.
    Fantastic and well enjoyed, sir!

  • 8 years ago


    Kudos back to you also Bro!

    Thank you all!


  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    As Em says, Ken, another typically upbeat write that was a joy to read. Inspirational stuff!

    Take care,
