Fire; or flame?

by Beautiful Tragedy   Nov 29, 2016

How is it possible to feel everything and nothing at all?
Like the moon and stars have both collided;
And the world has come crashing down on you in waves of black,
Drowning you in the most painful of ways.
How is it possible to be so heartbroken;
That your heart is screaming,
But not a single tear escapes.
You just sit there;
So broken.
Contemplating the fragments of a life that you could've had.
That you should've had.
That you didn't have.
How can you live knowing your soul mate;
The only person you have ever truly loved,
Might be falling in love with someone else?
After leaving you broken on the floor;
Only for them to move on and create you as a second bad relationship.
I only ever loved you.
I knew it was wrong but what could I do?
Focusing on someone else was easier than admitting that our love was dying;
Suffocating so fast in the harsh words
That we never even hesitated to throw each other's way.
Words that stole the air from our lungs;
Like falling ten feet from a tree,
The impact stealing your breath in the worst of ways.
It wasn't that they were better than you;
Or more put together.
I couldn't handle knowing I was losing you,
Losing us.
It ripped my heart from my chest,
Only to smash it with a rock,
Drown it in acid;
And give it back to me like I could live with it.
I couldn't.
So if you're here to walk all over me;
If you're here to tell me you don't love me anymore;
I've cried tears you'll never see.
I've bled from wounds that haven't even begun to heal.
I've lost trust that I never even gained.
Because you cut every tree;
Fearing a fire.
So tell me;
Was your love for me even a fire?
Or only a flame?


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Latest Comments

  • 6 years ago

    by Kerry Gardiner

    Again just beautifully written

    “Like the moon and stars have both collided; ” great imagery here

    I find your poems easy to read and have such depth that captures entire moments in time wonderfully.

  • 7 years ago

    by MoonMaiden

    You have a way with words. Beautifully written. The emotion goes to great depths. 5/5

  • 8 years ago

    by Firenrain

    Beautiful poem . I loved it . You really write beautifully :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Imperfection


  • 8 years ago

    by Imperfection

    Omg you just summed up my last relationship I exactly know how u feel But from experience now it does get better it's better to move on. You know at the time it was probably fire but it's strange how quickly it can go to flame no thought of our own we ain't to blame. But just learn from it and grow and one day you will see it just made you a stronger woman today. Brill poem I gave you a 5 x lilly

    • 8 years ago

      by Beautiful Tragedy

      Thank you so much.
      I'm glad you can relate to my writing;
      For it's usually the experiences we share with others that build the strongest bonds because we don't Feel like we are the only ones who have experienced the emotions those experiences brought.

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