Waves of Words

by William Mae   Dec 6, 2016

Waves of Words

Life is fickle, life's erratic, with no plan or destined course,
Events react from breezes blowing, freewill from its source.

Cast a stone into the water, in fleeting moments it is gone,
The effect from where it landed, travels outward very long.

Circling out from the center, wave after wave we see,
It's conclusions undetermined, or what the waves will come to be.

They travel on with no thought given, by the one who cast the stone,
They disturb a mighty ocean, as they travel on alone.

It is true with words thrown carless, with callous acts that we impart,
The words as ripples traveling outward, tarring into someone's heart.

The words we spew out to hasty, though easily we soon forget,
To an innocent person they could, still be hurting yet.

If the waves are words of kindness, encouraging praising rays of light,
Though perhaps you have forgotten, in other hearts they still shine bright.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Mary

    William, your poems always are so meaningful and have such a good message to them. This is so very true, people will so thoughtlessly throw out words or seemingly harmless actions and not give a thought to them but it could be something that effects someone for a lifetime. This really gives the reader something to think about.

    • 8 years ago

      by William Mae

      Thank you Mary, often times the best words are words unspoken,

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    This is an excellent and thoughtful little write, with no little amount of perception.
    I suppose these ripples that cause tidal waves could also be thought of as the butterfly effect, whereby a small breeze created from a butterfly's wings can go on and escalate causing mass disturbances elsewhere.
    Whatever we say and whatever we do has consequences; just because we regard them as small, perhaps, doesn't mean they don't have altogether bigger consequences elsewhere.

    This is very good.

    All the very best,


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This is (as always) well written and rhymes with great imagery.

  • 8 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    How so true...words said in anger without a thought and in haste does leave a scar for the one receiving it and as days pass by those very words become a regret to the one who shot it out!

    Yet words that help and lift a spirit will always be a light in a person's life for it carries them through even in the harshest winter.

    Then again this is life, we learn from our mistake and carry with us a bag of lessons...

    Its so good to see you writing again and it gives me plenty to think, feel and even write...thank you :)

    • 8 years ago

      by William Mae

      Thank you Meena, thank you for all the encouragement you've given me, for all the kind words. Yes kind words make a difference.