My True North...

by Jenn   Dec 6, 2016

My ship is sailing, in a endless starlit night..
Black clouds on the horizons, giving me a fright.
The seas are rough, but my Wooden bow is tough.
Hoping persistence will prove enough.
As the swelling seas, toss me back n forth.
Setting my course to my True North..

AHOY! Swirling, twirling, just below..
A deadly whirl pool, getting caught in the undertow.
How I will escape this mess, I don't know.
The strength I thought I had, now overwhelmed.
Come Hell or high Water, I'm gripping my helm.
Strange for me to notice, strange for me to care..
A sliver of moon light.. a beacon..
Breaking through the clouds so fair.

Over in only a moment, but feeling like a life long time has past.
The worst is now over, how much longer could this storm last?
Rain pours down over me, as if to wash the old me clean.
A sign, a direction is what I need, open sea is all I see..
The shores I once knew, I remember only vaguely.
Using the howling wind, as my driving force.
Setting my course to my True North..


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    I can relate all to well to this piece :(


  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Jenn,

    I take it that the ship/storm is an extended metaphor for your steely determination in battling the hardships of life? If I am wrong, and it's literal, I am sorry that you have suffered such a miserable journey!
    Whatever storms we suffer in life, if we grip tight to that helm and cling on for dear life, we are sure to reach calmer seas eventually.
    Well rhymed and well written.

    All the very best,


  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Jenn, such a sad write but hope shines through too-well done-