Comments : To This Day

  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    This is long, but worth it to read until the end.
    Full of great imagery!

    Well done.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    It's always a tragedy when we believe we are so damaged that no one can/would ever love us so when someone comes along and wants to take the time, a certain amount of the burden is lifted. We still may harbour fears about letting them down, but at least we know we're worth something.
    In my personal opinion, there are some of us who are simply not meant to be 'fixed' (whatever that really means anyway) but simply loved for who and what we already are. That, in turn, provides its own sort of healing, I would imagine.

    All the very best,


    • 8 years ago

      by Beautiful Tragedy

      It does indeed. He always seemed to know what I needed even if I didn't, especially when it came to building me up; helping me love myself.
      He knew what parts of my life were missing; ones that play an important part; that are absolutely a need for someone to even have a chance at growing up happy.
      And he had such an amazing way of showing me that I am not everything I had been told; he is indeed the reason I can say I have witnessed a true miracle in this world and not have a single shred of doubt about that statement.