Once in a moment of vision so bright

by Adewole   Dec 8, 2016

Stir up soul from the awaken, a darker misery
Brought to reality in the dream of the past
Once in a moment of vision so bright

The hope of hunger craves for passion in delusion
In the depth of wonders, comes the stranger of doubt
Look at the horizon arises and the earth shift it's space
I am the laughter that died but rose up in the midst of tears

The moon weeps over the sun, she couldn't meet
A day if found, everything will disintegrate and nothing will be real
Just as life is entangled with its secrets hidden within our being
The door is locked for a while, in its seasons the lost comes through it
But the wise with understanding searches for it's truth and the way is opened with the key of insights

Harness faith and fathom the power of courage
Light the lamp of your soul and your heart will love the glow of your direction
Then fate will lead you to the path of angles
Where the arm of time is rewritten to be reborn in the present


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  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Excellent Poem! I enjoyed from beginning to end! Well done

    • 8 years ago

      by Adewole

      Thanks for your encouraging words