Comments : What is love?

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hi. I like what you've done here.

    Love is a 'feeling' that makes us want (to differing degrees) another to feel/acheive a positive outcome, like the one's we've experienced or are experiencing. It's about sharing and being free...
    As vague as this description is, it's like faith... like finding beauty in a sunrise or a full moon. Once you find the ability of deep appreciation, one finds love and faith is everywhere and in everyone. Once we unlock the door, the world of love is available, achievable and...


    Faith is the key to unlock ones mind, releasing it from the confines of doubt and negativity. Why wallow when there's always tomorrow? Faith is a penny picked up and given to: a stream, a beggar, an idea that it can make a difference; something so seemingly insignificant can change: the wind, a tide, a frown to a smile. Faith/ love can offer light to a life, to a billion lives. It can help you believe anything is possible, even help you believe that boy's smile is like that penny, so go on...

    pick it up. :)