Comments : The Book

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This is like nothing I have ever read before and I believe every person can be like a book so hard to read but deserving of love..

    The only thing is 'loose' should be 'lose'.

    Also, I hope someone nominates this as I am out of votes and feel it deserves to be.
    Take care, Em

    • 8 years ago

      by Firenrain

      Thank you so much for the lovely comment . I agree with you there everyone is like a book, we all have our stories , secrets hidden deep within the chapters . Thanks for pointing out the spelling I think it was spell check since I use my phone . Thank you so much for thinking it's worth a nomination . Cheers

    • 8 years ago

      by Firenrain

      Thank you so much for the lovely comment . I agree with you there everyone is like a book, we all have our stories , secrets hidden deep within the chapters . Thanks for pointing out the spelling I think it was spell check since I use my phone . Thank you so much for thinking it's worth a nomination . Cheers

  • 8 years ago

    by Greeter

    Welcome to Poems and Quotes,

    When you find that one person, try to be with them.

    I often wonder, if reading the entire book might make the reader lose interest?

    There are some simple books that I seem to always remember. Oh well, it's probably had to do with the readers preference.

    • 8 years ago

      by Firenrain

      Yes ! I agree it's the readers preference . But after reading the whole book one won't lose interest because like I said the book is a mystery , an exciting read and no matter how many times you read it you won't get bored of it . You might end up falling in love with it . Thankyou for dropping by and leaving a comment .