Comments : A shoulder to lean on

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Moa, glad to see a new piece from you. I hope you're well. I really enjoyed this piece as (with all your pieces) it's written in a unique way but one in which we can all relate too or at least I think so.
    Your words may be classed as 'simple' by some but I personally think they speak volumes and expresses how you and probably many of us feel from time to time.

    1) A very powerful opening which we can all (as poets) relate to because we all know how it is to feel so low, happy, in love etc that we write about it and I feel those times always make us write beautiful poetry even if not everybody agrees. I think 'seems' should be 'seem' and also 'they' should be 'them' hope you don't mine me saying.

    ...for years .
    I like how you separate this because it gives the reader time to think and to digest the first part of this wonderful piece and also, time to ask themselves any questions.

    2) I really like this ending because it's just how the cookie crumbles so to speak that we write poetry to help us feel better but it doesn't make us better though I guess it helps in the process of getting us there even if for a little while. 'day' should be ' days'

    Take care and kudos on a fabulous write.

  • 8 years ago

    by The Po whet

    Em thank you for the dissection, I'll admit I always have a tendency to use they instead of them. Your correction has definitely made it better. I'm doing fine and I hope you are as well. Thanks again.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    I understand this. If our own musings don't offer us some sort of clarity and understanding, then we really are lost at sea, aren't we? And maybe - just maybe - one day they will even help us cope.

    Well done,


  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    I totally understand this. When we write we pour out our hurts, happiness, crushing disappointment, etc...what comes from our hearts and souls others may never understand. Our words comfort us, uplift us, give us a meaning at times. Thank you for your words, just beautiful-

    • 8 years ago

      by The Po whet

      True Ben and thank you for the comment, Brenda thank you too for the comment and you're welcome.

  • 8 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    There are some who understands then there are others who don't. Poetry reaches out to some who think along the same wave length and to some it seems far from their grasp.

    This poem is like caught in a sea where understanding is far from its reach.

    • 8 years ago

      by The Po whet

      Thanks a lot Meena for the comment I appreciate it.