My Son

by Scrittore   Dec 18, 2016

Since the view of that little blue line
To hearing the heartbeat for the first time
I knew I would never stop loving you

Since the first grainy glimpse of your face
To the hospital trip made in haste
I knew I would never stop loving you

Since the hours of pain and it's sweet release
To the first time I held you in calming peace
I knew I would never stop loving you

Since your first steps and now how you run
To the first time I heard you say mum
I knew I would never stop loving you

My son, my son how proud your mama is
To call you mine each day of your life
And watch you grow and live


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  • 8 years ago

    by Gabriel

    Ohhh this is cute. Though I don't have a family of my own yet I still had a lot of siblings and even though there was a big age difference that didn't stop me from enjoying playing with them, maybe teasing them a little though not in a cruel way, and especially rough housing, those were the best of days. It's funny that my family thought me odd for being able to get along with little kids so well though I personally believe everybody needs to be a kid every once in a while, how else are we to be good examples to them, connect with them and help them get out of that shy shell a lot of them hide in?

    I just can't wait to raise my own. :)

    A lovely write, thanks for sharing.


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