Garden Drama

by Shelley Williams   Dec 19, 2016

The daffodil
with heightened stem,
Thought proudly,
"I'm better than them!"

It soaked up sun,
on roots it grew
the know-it-all
of what to do.

Petals looked up,
without a care,
put the pansy down
for being rare.

This haughty flower
above the rest,
tried to prove
it was the best.

Never good enough
to be a friend,
the lilac knew
it had to end.

On the conditions
of the daffodil,
disgust for pansy,
nobody still.

The flowers whisper,
the snapdragon grin,
It took one pinch
to count him in.

The laughter grew
and then it went,
the pansies doom,
a flower's resent.

Ugly to see,
bad scent of breath,
We must put pansy
to her death.

"I Hate you,"
"I Hate you more,"
the pansy learned
to just ignore.

The daffodil,
claims, all is known,
the pansy shouts,
"Leave Me Alone!"


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  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    What a wonderfully refreshing and imaginative little write. I love the short, sharp stanzas and the general personification of the flowers throughout.

    Enjoyed thoroughly!

    All the best,
