Worth fighting for

by deeplydesturbed   Dec 24, 2016

Have you ever just stopped..
I mean really stopped.
Just sat and decided to shut the world out.
Listened to your heart and your head?
Are they still conflicted or do they get along?
Have you ever sat and wondered where you would be
If the world was different?
What if I was born years earlier?
Would the outcomes be the same just a different time?
A time without phones, internet and social media..
Would I still lack confidence, be the way I am?
Would I still be as depressed as I feel now?


Today I stopped.
Just lay in bed..
Listened to my heart,
Tried to see inside my head
I didnt reach for a bottle
Or try block it all out
The feeling was overwhelming
It's filled me with a great amount of doubt


I'm not weak if I ask for help
It wont kill me
It's to help me survive this rotten world
Sometimes we all need a little push
Someone who will make us question everything
And challenge us when we back down.
Someone who will always offer a helping hand
Not because they have too, but because they want.
Do I have that now?
Is what I have classed as real love?
And am I the one messing it up
By wanting to let go without a fight
For thinking its already lost
When in reality it's barely begun.
I hope you see through my bull shit
And help my insecurities be reassured.
Im sorry, I know Im hard work..
But I promise..
I am worth it..


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Beautiful Tragedy

    As I was reading along I was going with your every thought and I must say, I like the raw honesty in this piece and the ending tops it off perfectly.
    Great write

    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)
      Glad you enjoyed

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    I thought I had already commented on this.....so.....this is bloody brilliant.

    I love the questioning in this write, it makes the reader really think about whats being said and it is nigh on impossible to try not to apply what you're reading to your own life.

    That or you just nod along as you're reading - either way its effing great, I much prefer this read aloud to in my head. Another great write from you N.


    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Thank you ben. :) im glad you enjoyed..
      Thanks for commenting ! Xx

  • 8 years ago

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

    A hitting piece. .. I like this and I myself can relate to this naomi. .. A clever write

    well done


  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    N, you are totally worth it, never forget that! I like to think with out all those extra outside stimuli we get assaulted with on a daily basis things might be easier to deal with. You really can take the time to smell the roses. Does meditation help at all? A chance to shut out the days stresses and to just to hear your own heart beat. This is a very open write, strong, with a lot of excellent points. Well done N! Hugs-

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Naomi,

    I have no doubt that you are worth it. Sometimes we need to push so as to make sure our support is strong enough.

    I like the questions you pose. Would being born in a simpler time have helped? Sometimes I wish I'd been born in the 50's. How about you?

    Take care,

    Michael xx

    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      I think the 40s or 50s.. before a lot of technology

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