Where my savior once bleed.

by anand singh   Dec 25, 2016

From Heaven one night a Holy child came,
who for everlasting had a name above all names
Jesus Christ, wonderful and the King of glory
and in this little poem I would try to relate his story.

From an old Cattle shed in a manger in bethlehem
a baby boy was born who would later be condemned.
His name is Jesus Christ, and the Lilly of the valley,
he would make the ultimate sacrifice, that would set
all mankind free.

He had grown up to be a man with power, to heal the sick
and raise the dead,
this man who as a baby in a manger, his mother once
laid his little head.
he would become our savior, our hope and our guide,
who tirelessly stayed, by our side.

Whenever we are struggling, tempted and tried,
in him we can always find the strength, as his grace abide
I'd rather have him in my life than wealth or fame,
so I try to live each day true to his holy name.

He holds each of us lives in his pierced hands
and for the remainder of our days he has a great plan.
No turning back for me now for to his Cross I proceed,
a Cross of shame and guilt where my savior once bleed.

Copyright @ 2016 Ã.SINGH.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    A fitting poem for the time of year, especially as we seem so often to lose site of what it's all about: being grateful and giving rather than just the receiving side of it.
    Well told, well rhymed and a pleasure to read.

    All the very best,
